Past Shedules


Past Schedule - 2002

January 2002

5 - Lynwood (Seattle), WA, Reeves' Residence, 7 pm
     For reservations and directions call Marsha: 425-771-2621 
6 - Chehalis, WA, "Hands On Guitars" music store, 4 -6 pm
      360-740-9158, 434 NW Prindle St.
      Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the "Hands On Guitars".)
 8 - Renton (Seattle), WA, A# Music Company, 7 - 9 pm
       425-251-5929, 204 SW 43rd Street
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the A# Music Company.)
 12 - Portland, OR, Berblingers' Residence, 7 pm
         For reservations and directions call Rene: 503-503-281-3805
13 - Eugene, OR, Storms' Residence, 3 pm
        For reservations and directions call Bill: 541-345-6487 
17 - 20 Anaheim, CA, the NAMM Show, 
        Anaheim Convention Center
        Solo concert everyday at the Breedlove Booth #1606, Hall E, 1 - 1:45 pm.


15 - Boulder Creek, CA, Ananda Yoga and Meditation Center, 8:00 pm
       831/338-4410, 13150 Highway 9
        Jayme Kelly Curtis opens.
28 - Bishop, CA, Rangelight Music Studio, 7 pm
       272 Shepard Ln., for reservations call: 760-872-1003 


 3 - Livermore, CA, Fretted Friends Music, 12 - 2 pm 
      925-606-1324, 2150 Portola Ave. Suite G 
      Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
 8 - Henderson (Las Vegas), NV, A.J.'s Music Company, 6 - 8 pm 
      702-436-9300, 2764 N.Greenvalley Pkwy 
      Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
21 - Eugene, OR, Cafe Paradiso, 8:30 pm 
       541-485-3088, 115 W. Broadway 
       Duo with keyboard master Leo Chern!
22 - Ridgefield, WA, Old Liberty Theater, 8 pm 
       360-887-7260, 113 N Main Ave 
       Duo with keyboard master Leo Chern!
       Benefit for Hospice Care. 
23 - Chehalis, WA, Hands on Guitars, 2-4:30 pm 
       360-740-9158, 434 NW Prindle St. 
       Mandolin and guitar workshop, call to register.
23 - Chehalis, WA, Matrix Coffeehouse, 8 pm 
       360-740-0492, 434 NW Prindle St. 
       Duo with keyboard master Leo Chern!
24 - Seattle, WA, Pacific Crest School, 7 pm 
       206-789-7889, 620 NW. Bright St. 
       Duo with keyboard master Leo Chern!
       Special guest - master singer/songwriter Marsha Reeves. 
25 - Bellingham, WA, Roeder House, 7:30 pm 
       360-733-6897, 2600 Sunset Drive 
       Solo concert.
26 - Seattle, WA, Dusty Strings, 6:30 - 9:00 pm 
       206-634-0234, 3406 Fremont Ave.N. 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-concert. Call to register.
27 - Spokane, WA, The Shop, 7:00 pm 
       509-534-1647, 924 South Perry 
       Solo concert. 
       Carlos Alden, Celtic, old time and alternative guitar and banjo master opens the show.
29 - Spokane, WA,  Daniel Gore's Residence, 7 - 9:30 pm 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-concert. Call or e-mail to register. 
30 - Bozeman, MT, Emerson Cultural Center, 8 pm 
       406-587-9797, 111S. Grand 
       solo concert
31 - Bozeman, MT, Hallie Rugheimer's Residence, 2 - 5 pm 
        Mandolin & guitar workshop. Call to register: 406-587-1429 


 2 - Boulder, CO, HB Woodsongs, 7 - 9 pm 
      303-449-0516, 2920 Pearl St. 
      Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
 4 - Lawrence, KS, Mass Street Music, 6 - 8:30 pm 
      785-843-3535, 1347 Massachusetts 
      Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, all levels welcomed.
 5 - Lawrence, KS, Abe and Jake's Landing, 7 pm 
      The Mandofest, solo concert
 6 - Lawrence, KS, Liberty Hall 
      The Mandofest, Mandofest Orchestra
 8 - Omaha, NE, Omaha Healing Arts Center, 8 pm 
       402-345-5078, 1216 Howard 
       Solo concert.
 9 - Cedar Rapids, IA, Star's Guitars, 6 - 8 pm 
      319-362-1881, 3639 1st Ave. SE 
      Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
      (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
10 - Minneapolis, MN, Podium Music,  7 - 9 pm 
       612-331-8893, 425 14th Ave. SE 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
11 - Madison, WI, Madison Music Co, 7 - 9 pm 
       608-257-5877, 4253 W. Beltline Hwy 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
12 - Fraser, MI, Huber & Breese Music, 7 - 9 pm 
       (810) 294-3950, 33540 Groesbeck 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
13 - Lansing, MI, Elderly Instruments, 6 - 8 pm 
       (517) 372-7880, 1100 N. Washington 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
14  - Westerville, OH, Uptown Strings, 4 - 6 pm 
         614-794-2183,  23 College Ave. 
         Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
         (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
15 - Troy, NY, Cathedral Music, 7 - 9 pm 
        (518) 273-5138, 1813 5th Ave. 
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
19 - Mansfield, MA, Mockingbird Music, 7 - 9 pm 
        (508) 339-6727, 250 N. Main 
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
20 - Stratham, NH, Acoustic Outfitters, 5 -7 pm 
       (603) 778-9711, 72 Portsmouth Ave. 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
20 - Stratham, NH, Acoustic Outfitters, 8 pm 
       (603) 778-9711, 72 Portsmouth Ave. 
       Solo concert.
21 - Burlington, VT, Advance Music Center, 6:30 - 9 pm 
        (802) 863-8652, 75 Maple St. 
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
25 - Danbury, CT, East Coast Music Mall, 7 - 9 pm 
        (203) 748-2799, 25 Hayestown Rd. 
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
28 - Roswell, GA, Dreamcatcher Guitars, 2 - 4:30 pm 
        (770) 640-7047, 26 Webb St., Suite 1 
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
29 - Anniston, AL, Greenbrier Music, 7 - 9 pm 
        (256) 831-7272, 1521 Greenbrier Rd. 
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
30 - Savannah, GA, Annie's Guitars, 7 -9 pm 
       (912) 352-1333 5203, Waters Ave. 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 


 1 - Orlando, FL, Mars Music, 7 - 9 pm 
       (407) 896-5508, 4644 E. Colonial Dr. 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
 6 - Mobile, AL, West Mobile Music, 7 - 9 pm 
       (251) 634-8201, 7765 Airport Blvd. #118 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
 7 - Pearl, MS, Lipking's Music, 7 - 9 pm 
       (601) 664-0299, 432 S. Pearson Rd. 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
9 - Santa Fe, NM, Guitar Gallery, 7 - 9 pm 
      Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.)
12 - Carlsbad, CA, Carlsbad Village Theatre, 4 - 6 pm 
        (760) 431-9542, 2822 State St. 
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the Buffalo Brothers music store.) 
12 - Carlsbad, CA, Carlsbad Village Theatre, 8 pm 
        (760) 760-9542, 2822 State St. 
        solo concert
25 - Tramtarie, CZECH REPUBLIC 
30, 31 - Friedrichshafen, Euro-Festival, GERMANY 


1, 2 - Friedrichshafen, Euro-Festival, GERMANY 
7 - Helsinki, Country Star, FINLAND
8Ruotsinpyhtää Bluegrass Festival, FINLAND
       (with Petri Hakala & Tuomas Logren)
9 - Helsinki, Sibelius Academy, FINLAND 
      mandolin workshop
25 - Ostrava, Klub Parnik, 8 pm, CZECH REPUBLIC 
       solo concert
26 - Praha, Hudebni konzervator pro zrakove postizene, 8 pm, CZECH REPUBLIC 
       Maltezske namesti, tickets: 0603-868-120 
       solo concert
27 - Brno, G-Studio, 8 pm, CZECH REPUBLIC 
       Stadion na Kounicove ulici 
       solo concert
28 - 30 - Kamenny Mlyn, Folk Festival, SLOVAK REPUBLIC 


6 - 13 - Ollala, CA, 
             California Coast Music Camp 
19 - 21 - Nashville, TN, the NAMM Show 
               Performing daily at the Breedlove booth
25 - Seattle, WA, Dusty Strings, 7 - 9 pm 
       206-634-0234, 3406 Fremont Ave.N. 
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-concert. Call to register.
27 - 31 - Lake Flora, WA
               Puget Sound Guitar Workshop 


1 - Lake Flora, WA
     Puget Sound Guitar Workshop 
2 - 10 - Mendocino, CA
             Lark In the Morning Music Camp 
11-17 - Sorrento, BC, CANADA 
             British Colombia Swing Workshop
18 - 23 - Sorrento, BC, CANADA 
               British Colombia Bluegrass Workshop
24 - Sorrento, BC, CANADA 
        Sorrento Bluegrass Festival 


4 - Coeur d'Alene, ID, the Bookery, 7:00 pm 
     (208) 765-3028, 211 1/2 Sherman 
      solo concert
 5 - Spokane, WA, The Shop, 7:00 pm 
       509-534-1647, 924 South Perry 
       solo concert
28 - Pocatello, ID, Grand Music, 5-7 pm
        (208) 478-2130, 123 S. Main St.
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
30 - Boise, ID, Dorsey Music, 7 - 9 pm
       (208) 853-4141, 5015 West State
       Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
       (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 


5 - Ben Lomond, CA
     Scottish Highland Games Festival
9-12 - Toronto, ON, CANADA
           Classical Mandolin Society of America Convention
           workshop and solo performance
15 - Windsor, ON, Riverside Music Shop, 7 - 9 pm, CANADA
        4729 Wyandotte St. East, (519) 974-9001 
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
17 - Peterborough, ON, Musicland, 7 - 9 pm, CANADA
        427 George Street North, (705) 743-8586 
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
18 - Toronto, ON, The Twelfth Fret, 7 - 9 pm, CANADA
        2132 Danforth Avenue, (416) 423-2132 
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.) 
19 - Toronto, ON, Czech Culture Hall at the Prague Restaurant, 8 pm, CANADA
        450 Scarborough Golf Club Rd., (416) 439-4354
        Solo concert


24 - Santa Cruz, CA, Herrmann's Residence, 7 pm
       solo concert
       for reservations please e-mail Irene at:
25 - Santa Cruz, CA, Sylvan Music, 6 - 8 pm
        1521 Mission St., (831) 427-1917
        Mandolin & Guitar Workshop and a Mini-Concert, admission free, all levels welcomed.
        (Sponsored by Breedlove Guitars and the presenting music store.)


28 - Telc, Czech Republic, Festival Folkove Vanoce 
        Solo concert at the Telc Castle
        Appearing also: Stranici, Cymbal Classic, Vlasta Redl 

Past Schedules:

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